14 Apr

Discover our tips to improve your site's User Experience: a more functional design will help you improve traffic and conversions.

Those who intend to create a professional website must consider as a priority that of guaranteeing a positive User Experience to those who access it . In case of chaotic and impractical design (but not only), the risk of seeing users quickly leave the site, in fact, is high. We find out now with what you mean by User Experience, or UX , or Experience of use , and how you can improve it.

What is the User Experience of a site

A User Experience of a website refers to the user 's browsing experience within the same website. This experience is determined by multiple factors, such as the interface , the design , the graphics , the communication strategy , the organization of the contents and the SEO NYC.

Advice on how to improve a site's User Experience

In order to guarantee a pleasant User Experience to users who approach their website, it is important to avoid some User Experience errors. Pay attention to some aspects which, if taken care of best, can guarantee significant improvements from the User Experience point of view. .

In particular, it is essential to trust the rule that reads " Less is More ". In fact, as never in this case, it appears decisive: to obtain a better User Experience, it is good to clean the interface of your website from any element capable of diverting the user's attention and complicating his navigation path. The more a page is full of elements, the slower and more difficult it will be to load . It is therefore necessary to eliminate the superfluous and keep the interface and the graphics of the site as clean as possible (sacrificing, if necessary, even some advertising banners ).

This rule takes on even more relevance on mobile , where the screen is even smaller. Moreover, surfing the web from mobile devices has long since surpassed that from the desktop. Checking the browsing experience of the site from a smartphone (and tablet) and optimizing the site where necessary is therefore an indispensable operation.

The formatting of the texts should also be clear and allow easy reading of the contents offered on the site. It is advisable to use a spacious line spacing and avoid overly complex fonts, instead choosing one that can communicate the message you want to convey immediately and effectively.

Equally useful, then, is to cyclically check the organization of content within the website: particular attention must be paid to new posts and labels because a classification error risks affecting the entire architecture of the site. In the same way, it is necessary to periodically check the goodness of the links inserted in the website in order to reduce to zero or to a minimum the presence of "broken " links , which lead to pages that no longer exist.

 In this regard, it is also advisable to optimize page 404 (that is, that is automatically shown in the event of a resource not found), structuring it and organizing it in such a way as to prevent the user from interrupting navigation on the site at that moment.

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