21 Apr

Welcome to Open Company, today we talk about business ideas to be applied to start up on your own.

I will not tell the story that opening a business is quick and easy like that of becoming a trader in a week, a real estate speculator, a restaurant on Copacabana beach….

To tell the truth, I read all the colors.

What is sorry is that unfortunately many people believe they can change their lives without effort and knowledge, and then find themselves with the famous fistful of flies in their hands.

One of the reasons for opening this blog is to help the most vulnerable people by spreading the truth about many non-existent business ideas .

I will humbly try to take a look at the true possibilities of an individual to go it alone, without discouraging or deluding anyone.

The first part of the article will be dedicated to the essential requirements for inventing a job, in the second I will give an overview of the countries where it is still worth investing, while in the last part I will list a list of job ideas that can be started without using large capital. and that could prove successful in the near future.


1 Business ideas with reduced capital

2 Essential requirements for starting a business

3 countries where investing is worthwhile

4 Business ideas to start with reduced capital

5 Business ideas: conclusions

Business Ideas with Reduced Capital

Let's start by determining the importance of knowledge to start a business, let's highlight a common story with a small practical example.

Imagine you want to open an e-commerce site but you don't even know what the word WordPress, Magento and social networks mean (trust it happens).

What are you doing?

Simple, type on google website creation and you come across different web agencies. Contact a dozen, ask for a quote.

What will happen?

It happens that some agency, checking your knowledge of the web, will advise against opening it, saving you time and money.

And you will think ... but look at these xxxxx, they also refused to give me the quote.

In truth, they were the most sincere.

Then other agencies will come and instead, promising you big profits, they will tell you that with a few thousand euros and a dedicated server of hundreds of euros per month you will finally be ready to create a self-employed job.

It happened to me several years ago !!

They diligently deliver you a site, maybe even a well done one, and what do you do?

Nothing, wait until your first customers will be happy on your site to spend all their wages.

But then the days go by, and you see that these customers don't arrive, not even visitors arrive, well you don't even know it because you don't know how to use Google analytics, you don't even know what it is.

So what do you do? But of course you contact the agency asking: sorry why don't I sell ?

They already have the answer ready: eh sure if you don't do Seo to the site it is normal that no customers come ...

And then they will ask you for more money by starting to tell you about the backlinks, forums, domain authorities blah blah.

Terminology never heard before.

Other months pass, the sales you make do not even exceed the costs for your dedicated server (let alone that if you don't have tens of thousands of visitors a day you don't need the dedicated one) and you decide to abandon the desired project.

Result: a burning disappointment and a lot of money thrown away.

This picture is a very common picture on the web.

I told you this story to make you understand that the deep knowledge of the business idea that you want to carry on is essential.

If, before asking for a nice and ready site, our mister x had invested his money in training, the result of his online business would be very different.

This is not a frontal attack on web agencies, it is only the realization that before buying you need to know what you are buying.

In other words,  when you go to the supermarket would you pay mortadella for the price of ham?

Essential Requirements for Starting A Business

We saw the first essential requirement to start a business together in the introduction.

Knowledge will set you free.

If your business is set up abroad, don't start without mastering the language.

English now I consider it a must, not only to be able to communicate with the rest of the world, but also and above all to be able to understand all the information that comes from the American market in advantage over others.

I don't like the United States, but I must admit that all the revolutions of this century come from there.

Americans have an edge over business.

Another fundamental aspect for the guaranteed success of your business is having a clear understanding of the target market of your products or services.

The business idea doesn't have to be revolutionary, you can very well take a working model and improve it.

The Amazon case is history now: take one sector (online commerce) and simply become the best .

Obviously the internet is now a more consolidated market than it was 15 years ago, but the truth is that there are still thousands of needs to be met.

Because this is the central point of your business: meeting people's needs .

It is no coincidence that many innovative companies and start-ups were born from an unspoken need of its creator (see the birth of Airnb).

The third tip is trivial but many forget it: be kind and helpful .

How many times have you happened to enter a bar or shop and be greeted in a rude and hasty manner. I don't know about you, but education is a fundamental aspect of every business, online or not.

The truth is that I could go on and on about the suggestions, there are dozens of factors to consider when starting a service to people. I can't insert them all otherwise the article would become too long and tedious.

If you want to find out more, you can contact me, or take a look at the archive. Meanwhile, I'll insert some themed links below (they are only a few):

Inventing a job from one's passions;

Go it alone.

Countries Where Investing Is Worthwhile

I know, who among us would not want to disappear from circulation and take refuge in some tropical paradise. But the bitter truth is that the best countries to invest in are the countries of northern Europe.

I'll explain why.

We all want to escape the grip of the Indian bureaucracy for the reasons that we all know.

Bureaucratic slowness, exaggerated taxation, planning difficulties, constraints and privileges, poor reliability of the state system, etc.

Aside from political slogans, India is not a businessman friendly country.

The small entrepreneur in India today has every right to be considered a modern hero (for this reason I give free visibility to all young entrepreneurs in India).

It is true that there are types of companies where the transfer out of the border is simply impossible.

I am reminded of all the wonderful small Indian farms , all those companies that focus on Made in India, the beauty of our area and quality products.

However, if your company focuses on technological innovation, on the web, the truth is that it is better to look abroad.

All start-ups that intend to enlarge their catchment area need to open a subsidiary abroad, United Kingdom above all, because investors require the LTD company registered in the United Kingdom.

In addition, the United Kingdom opens its doors to the famous KickStarter fundraising portal . Of course there are also Indian portals, but the visibility that the English language offers is unrivaled.

I love India, and I don't hide that my ultimate hope is one day to see my country compete with the more developed countries. But in the meantime, we, the so-called young people, have the right to live a dignified life, and if this means foreign, welcome abroad.

Business Ideas to Start With Reduced Capital

Here we are at the main paragraph of my article.

In truth, this is only a simplistic approach to the business theme.

Reading online work ideas may give you a boost or inspiration, but reality tells me that you need to focus on your business idea, not someone else's.

Of course, in a world that goes fast we are looking for equally fast answers, but the process that will lead you to have your own business is not a quick step.

To be successful and earn you need time, effort, and a lot of word of mouth.

Having said that, I bring you some ideas that have particularly impressed me and I believe that in the coming years they can have a sure success.

I have included activities that do not involve capital greater than 50,000 euros. This is a simple list, in the future, if you decide to remain an Open Company reader we will see each activity together in detail.

  • Personalized T-shirts
  • Niche online shop
  • Tourist guide
  • Opening of ladybug breeding
  • Educational farm
  • Services for the elderly
  • 3-d printer designer
  • Sale of personalized niche trips
  • Sale of organic agricultural products
  • Rare animal breeding
  • Home cook
  • Creative catering activities
  • Import of Indian products abroad
  • Personalized travel for the disabled
  • Freelancer writer
  • Diving instructor
  • Yoga instructor
  • Selling online products
  • Territorial revaluation activities
  • Innovative design shoes
  • Brewer
  • Indian hop grower
  • Online game
  • Mobile APPs development
  • Family savings service
  • Recycler
  • Translator of important languages (Chinese, Russian, Arabic);
  • Web designer
  • Bicycle rental
  • Wasps rental
  • Shuttle bus service for disco
  • Volunteer camps abroad

This is just a list, not too innovative or revolutionary.

You have to understand that the best idea is your idea. The intuition will arise when in a certain place you will see a certain lack to be filled.

And if this void coincides with your passion, well that's it, you've found your business idea. You just have to start with the business plan .


Business Ideas: Conclusions

The hope that my articles will be of help to the reader is high, I don't hide it.

Each of us has within it the potential to give the best of their abilities, you just have to test them on the field.

I recommend not to be in a hurry, to consider training as an essential requirement before starting any business.

If you are not 100% master of your job, you will have 100% bankruptcy guarantee. It is right to delegate and make use of collaborators, but only after knowing well what you are delegating.

Starting a business is the most demanding part because nobody knows you, but life is a race of endurance and when you realize that life is made by small steps, and once you understand it, it is impossible to lose,

If you have appreciated the commitment to find information that I make daily, the only (free) requests that I ask you is to stay in touch with the blog Open Company via the Facebook page , share the article with your friends.

If you need clarification or advice, do not hesitate to contact me. Thanks, see you soon.

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